Monday, September 22, 2008
Deborah E. Powell Center for Women’s Health
The 5th Annual Women's Health Research Conference
The purpose of the resource fair is to bring together university and community women’s health resources to facilitate relationship building. The overall focus of the 2008 conference is to highlight developments in women’s reproductive health but there will be research posters presented on other women’s health topics as well. The keynote speaker is David Savitz, PhD, Director of the Center of Excellence in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Disease Prevention at Mount Sinai University. He will speak on the “Environmental Influences on Reproductive Health.” A range of women’s health issues will be covered including breast cancer, mental health, cardiovascular disease and teen pregnancy.
9am-3pm, McNamara Alumni Center
FFI: http://www.womenshealth.umn.edu
Coalition for a Respectful U
First Meeting of the Semester
The Coalition is a group designed for social justice allies and advocates across colleges, departments, positions, and identities committed to a safe and inclusive campus climate for all students and employees. Meetings are used for the sharing of campus climate information and initiatives, providing support and networking to those committed to social justice, and to increase collaboration between University entities.
12:00–1:30pm, 150 Ford Hall
FFI: Peg Lonnquist at pegquist@umn.edu or Jerie Smith at smith449@umn.edu, Co-Chairs
Women’s Center
Courtney Martin, “Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters”
Author/journalist Courtney E. Martin presents a lecture “Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters,” about her book of the same name. Filled with information from expert psychologists and hundreds of interviews with women with eating disorders, Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters is a wake-up call to women of all ages and races to recognize the epidemic of eating disorders and what it's doing to them, their daughters, friends, and relatives. Courtney Martin argues passionately that women must commit themselves to developing new attitudes about their bodies, and redirect the negative energy they spend on denying themselves contentment in order to become re-engaged with the possibilities of a better life.
Reception and book-signing follows the lecture.
6:30pm, 25 Mondale Hall (Law School)
FFI: Women's Center, women@umn.edu
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Boynton Health Service/Department of Recreational Sports
Positive Body Image Information Fair
Gather information about strategies to improve body image and sign a "No-Weigh Declaration of Independence from Dieting.” Educate yourself about media influence on body image and become an advocate for positive messages. Learn more about the concepts of body mass index and body composition and how they can help you to assess your health risk while embracing your unique body shape.
11am-1pm, University Recreation Center
FFI: Annette Biggs, Recreational Sports, biggs010@umn.edu
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
CSBU Women’s Action Network
Kick-Off Reception (Minneapolis)
11:30am-1:00pm, Coffman Memorial Union, Mississippi Room
FFI: Sonnia Peters, CSBU-WAN Chair pete5555@umn.edu
International Student & Scholar Services
A Showcase of Intercultural Programs by International Women
Come and learn what U of MN students have been able to do on this campus, in the community, and beyond! Through the International Student & Scholar Services Culture Corps program, students propose, design, and implement projects to internationalize the University. This panel of international women will share what their projects are, what they have contributed to the University, and insights gained about the U.S. and the University. Come, learn, and be amazed!
12:00-2:00pm, 110 Heller Hall
FFI: Barbara Kappler, ISSS, bkappler@umn.edu
Center on Women and Public Policy
Front Runners: Women With Political Ambition
Front Runners: Women with Political Ambition meets monthly for networking, inspiration, strategizing, skill building, and peer support. Women candidates, campaign managers, elected officials, and others will help participants develop and implement a long-term plan to be prepared to run for office. We’ll have some light refreshments, hear from other political women, support each other, and develop and put into place individual plans.
6pm, 205 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
FFI: http://www.hhh.umn.edu/centers/wpp/front_runners.html
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Career/Life Alliance Services, Inc.
Women’s Work is Never Done: How to Balance Work & Life
Being able to fit everything into the workday is not a matter of time, it is a matter of choice. It is up to you to decide how to use your resources and what to do with the hours in the day. So, if you want to create a better balance and achieve your priorities please join us for this seminar provided by Career/Life Alliance Services, Inc. This seminar will cover what Work/Life balance really is and what you need to help better manage your life.
12:00-1:00pm, 43 Rapson Hall
FFI: Kathy Kacher, kkacher@clalliance.com
Friday, September 26, 2008
Women’s Center
Talk and Tea: How to Succeed as a Woman Student On Campus
Get the academic year off to a good start and hear from other women students about success strategies in this interactive workshop! 12:00-1:00pm, 152 Klaeber Court
FFI: Women’s Center, women@umn.edu
Monday, September 29, 2008
Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education
Developing Women’s Leadership Through Volunteerism
This workshop will engage participants in a discussion about training, supervising, and working with student volunteers at an on-campus violence prevention and intervention center. The Aurora Center works with approximately thirty volunteers each year and provides them with opportunities to practice professional skills and become leaders in the movement to end violence against women on campus. The young women who become engaged in this difficult work often report that their involvement has changed their lives, and the staff of Aurora testify that the students themselves affect the both the present and future direction of the Center. This workshop will include reflection on the nearly two decades of building a volunteer program and will include the voices of both staff and volunteers.
12:00-1:00pm, N101 Boynton Health Service
FFI: Roberta Gibbons, gibbo005@umn.edu
Student Parent HELP Center
An Exceptional Start: Creating a Positive Environment for Mothers Who Breastfeed
Time TBD, Location TBD
FFI: Susan Warfield, warfi002@umn.edu
Continuing Medical Education
Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health 39th Annual Autumn Seminar
This continuing medical education conference is dedicated to: updating community physicians and providing a forum for discussion on the topic of women's health; imparting cutting edge knowledge from subject matter experts; being a venue for cross sub-specialty communication and sharing of best practices; reporting on new research findings and innovations in patient care. This seminar would be ideal for specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, family physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and other health professionals involved in the field of women's health.
8am-5pm, The Depot Hotel, Minneapolis
FFI: http://www.cme.umn.edu
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Continuing Medical Education
Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health 39th Annual Autumn Seminar
This continuing medical education conference is dedicated to: updating community physicians and providing a forum for discussion on the topic of women's health; imparting cutting edge knowledge from subject matter experts; being a venue for cross sub-specialty communication and sharing of best practices; reporting on new research findings and innovations in patient care. This seminar would be ideal for specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, family physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and other health professionals involved in the field of women's health.
8am-5pm, The Depot Hotel, Minneapolis
FFI: http://www.cme.umn.edu or Sue Marshall at marsh068@umn.edu
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
CSBU Women’s Action Network
Kick-Off Reception (St. Paul)
11:30am-1:00pm, St. Paul Student Center, Minnesota Commons
FFI: Sonnia Peters, CSBU-WAN Chair pete5555@umn.edu
Women’s Faculty Cabinet
Fall Reception
3:30-5:30pm, Campus Club
FFI: Women's Faculty Cabinet, wfc@umn.edu
Women’s Student Activist Collective
Sex Ed For Everyone
WSAC has made a comprehensive sex education video for young students (middle and high school) who have been presented with abstinence only education in their local schools. After screening the film, a discussion will be facilitated by WSAC to discuss the importance of comprehensive education in schools. Refreshments provided.
6pm, Coffman Memorial Union Theater
FFI: WSAC, wsac@umn.edu or Caitlin LaFlash, WSAC Staff Member lafl0025@umn.edu
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Women’s Center
About the 2010 Conference for Women In Higher Education
In 2000, the University of Minnesota hosted a National TeleConference for Women (students, staff and faculty) in Higher Education, which brought over 20,000 people together at an onsite 3-day event or by connecting women from around the country via two teleconferences. In 2010, we hope to continue the strong tradition of helping to make long-lasting change for women in higher education. Learn about the committees which are forming, use your talents, develop talents, and get involved!
11:30am-1:00pm, 152 Klaeber Court
FFI: Peg Lonnquist, pegquist@umn.edu
Women’s Center
Women’s O.N.E. (Organizations Networking for Equity) Fall Meeting
What is your experience as a woman student and a leader on campus? Do you have concerns or issues you would like to raise? What are your needs? Come join us for the fall meeting of Women’s O.N.E. and share your ideas and input with Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barceló, Vice President and Vice Provost for Equity and Diversity. She would like to connect with you! Light refreshments served, and you’ll have the chance to win an iPod Shuffle!
3:00-4:00pm, 10 Education Sciences Building [PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM SEPTEMBER 30]
FFI: Women's Center, women@umn.edu
P&A Women’s Council
Enjoy some desserts and learn about the newly-formed P & A Women’s Council and how to join. Meet other interested P & A women from around the University and offer your ideas on how to improve the campus climate for professional and administrative women.
3:30-5:00pm, 325 Education Sciences Building
FFI: Peg Lonnquist, pegquist@umn.edu
Friday, October 3, 2008
University Women of Color
Film Screening/Discussion
Noon, 325 Education Sciences Building
FFI: University Women of Color, uwoc@umn.edu
Women’s Center
Women’s Organization of Graduate and Professional Students (WOGAPS) Meeting
WOGAPS is a community of women graduate and professional students, and also serves as both an advisory group and editorial board for the updated Thriving Through the Experience (1997) handbook for graduate women. Please come and meet other women students, and share your experiences, concerns and needs as a graduate/professional student. Sign up to help us update Thriving Through the Experience. Light refreshments served, and you will have the chance to win a small prize!
3:00-4:00pm, 325 Education Sciences Building
FFI: Women's Center, women@umn.edu
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